10 Most Illegal Dog Breeds In The World

10 Most Illegal Dog Breeds In The World

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Mastino Napoletano, or Neapolitan Mastiff, is a large and powerful dog. That doesn't mean they're hostile, but they can kill if untrained.

10. Neapolitan Mastiff

10. Neapolitan Mastiff

Their nickname, "Canarian catch dog," refers to their ability to capture and guide sheep home. Because they are large, robust, and work-driven, inexperienced dog owners should avoid this breed.

9. Perro de Presa Canario

9. Perro de Presa Canario

South African mastiff-type Boerboels are enormous guard dogs. They're popular in their country for cattle protection. If raised on a ranch, they're highly protective of their area and owners.

8. Boerboel

8. Boerboel

They are family-oriented and non-aggressive. Problems arise when they are not taught to distinguish between genuine threats and harmless visitors or passers-by.

7. Rottweiler

7. Rottweiler

Mastiffs are not forbidden because they are more vicious or unpredictable. Because of their size and severity, Cane Corso bites are more hazardous than Labrador ones.

6. Cane Corso

6. Cane Corso

Despite their intimidating appearance, Doberman pinschers are devoted, loving pets. Despite being smaller than mastiffs, they may cause serious harm if they bite. 

5. Doberman Pinscher

5. Doberman Pinscher

The pure-white Dogo Argentino was raised in Argentina to hunt large animals. Their fierce, relentless personality need strong leadership from the start.

4. Dogo Argentino

4. Dogo Argentino

Brazilian mastiffs, known as Fila Brasileiros, are excellent trackers. They are one of the only species capable of hunting and protecting large game animals.

3. Fila Brasileiro

3. Fila Brasileiro

Even if the technique is outlawed in other countries, it is allowed in Japan, and the breed's history makes it more likely to attack other dogs, even if it is fostered softly and affectionately.

2. Tosa Inu

2. Tosa Inu

Pit bulls include the American Pit Bull Terrier, the American Staffordshire Terrier, the Bull Terrier, and various bulldog and terrier hybrids.

1. Pit Bull

1. Pit Bull

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